Everyone has a story to tell, and we at Digital Milano IS 2021 want to listen!
The first-ever International Session that took place in Italy was IS Milano 1995. 26 years later we are back again to Milano - celebrating the first-ever Digital International Session.
With the Milano Time Capsule, we are trying to build bridges between the past, present, and future. That is why we need help to gather some messages for the future Milano International Session!
By filling out this questionnaire you are becoming part of this project. The wishes and messages shall be kept for decades and be read whenever Milan will host the next International Session! You simply can send wishes, expectations, your experience from Milano 2021 or anything really, be as creative as possible!
Together we shall shape the future!
Project by Beka Gvaramia (GE) and Marichka Nadvernyuk (UA)
Who are you?
Where are you from?
What was your role at Milano IS 2021?
What is your message for the Milano Time Capsule?
Your content has been submitted
Thank you for your answer!